Moto Dash

Ride through Reine on the Lofoten Archipelago

4 October 2019

A stunning ride from the Moskenes Ferry Terminal up to Frevang along the road snaking along the coastal road that links the islands in the archipelago. With beautiful cliffs on the left and the sea on the right, the route is truly beautiful.

And then you get to Reine. What a truly delightful settlement with traditional Norweigian buildings, lit up by the incredible sunlight basking in the warmth of the perpetual summer daylight.


33.4 km


40 min

Average speed

50.1 km/h

Ride time

30 min

Stop time

10 min

Min elevation

0 m

Max elevation

294 m
Ctrl + Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl + Alt (Windows) + drag for 3D map. Mousewheel to zoom.